Welcome to 13 Coven
The New Forest coven is an organised gathering of thirteen witches. Our beliefs and practices may be generally termed as Pagan in nature and origin. We refer to ourselves as Woodwitches, since our tradition centres principally around Earth magick and the Elements of Nature.
The coven does not have a formal or defined system of hierarchy – we have no High Priests or Priestesses. We have only one recognised position: a Woodwitch, meaning any and all members of the coven equally, all masters of their own craft.
The coven serves as its own council and keeps its own counsel. Solemnity and sincerity are an essential part of our rituals, which are presided over by the whole coven. We consider our coven to be to the right, of light, and of wisdom.
The Woodwitch tradition was established eight decades ago by members of the Crotona Fellowship. The two founding Witches in question believed that most other craft traditions had started to wonder from the Earth-based and Nature-centred origins of traditional English Witchcraft and, had begun to become diversely hybrid in their beliefs, values, traditions and practices.
The Woodwitch tradition was established and founded upon principals that were considered to be more traditional and decidedly less concerned with the creation of artificial laws, doctrine, theatrical ceremony and individuals who hold high and mighty office. Additionally, there was the feeling and desire to get back to basics and into the woods and green places of nature. From this humble beginning has grown and matured a Witchcraft tradition that is now quite distinct in its own right – the Woodwitch tradition.
Observing the principals upon which the Woodwitch tradition was founded, we continue to guard our traditions and ways well, and do not take on board or adopt practices from other traditions which would dilute our distinctiveness. This may seem insular of us, and this is probably true, but it is the right way for us and keeps us from becoming lost in the eclectic maze of Pagan beliefs that is ever growing.
It has been our experience over the years that so many people who contact us are completely lost in a fog of hybrid, eclectic beliefs and values; that they are wondering aimlessly looking for something which they cannot quite find through the blur of their own eclecticism. We believe, these are some of the reasons why people contact us and desire to know more of our simple, traditional ways and beliefs.
The New Forest coven gathers formally and ritually twice a month for the new and full moon spell castings. These are our most spiritual and meaningful times. However, we often gather in lesser numbers to cast individual spells for our loyal clients.
Blessed be,