About Us
Just as there are many denominations within the Christian religion and many sects and branches within other orthodox faiths, so there are many paths and traditions which form the Pagan belief system. The New Forest Coven is but one of those paths. To those who are new to the craft and Pagan ways there can often be some confusion with this diversity, and so we have included some general - though basic - information concerning Witchcraft, which may help in placing The New Forest Coven in context.
The foundations of the coven were established over eight decades ago, and since that time The New Forest Coven has self-evolved into a new and distinct Pagan tradition which differs notably to many of the more traditional craft paths. Whilst it is an undeniable truth that our coven has its roots firmly in the traditional branches of Witchcraft, we have progressively developed our rituals, philosophy, practices and skills; into a spiritual, metaphysical and magical system that is clearly defined. This website and its entire contents offers an insight into that distinctiveness, along with a unique opportunity to benefit from our highly customisable and masterfully crafted spells.
For experienced Pagans and Witches there will be much that they will readily identify with, and perhaps, some areas which evoke new or deeper interest. For the mildly curious this site will offer at least one more window into the extensive world of Witchcraft and Paganism. For those who are still searching for their spiritual path this site offers a starting point which may lead to their eventual destination. You can check out our 13 Coven reviews page to see what our spellcasting clients have sent to our coven. Whatever it is that you seek, we hope that everyone finds something here which enriches them if only in the tiniest way.
Blessed be,